Circular Economy


  • Communication Circular Economy


    The term Greenrinsing refers to a company’s practice of regularly changing its ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) targets before they are achieved.

    This tactic showcases how greenwashing has evolved and become increasingly sophisticated.

    It stems from companies that set ambitious goals but fail to meet them; their rhetoric does not align with sustainability outcomes.

    In recent years, we’ve seen a surge in sustainability metrics, claims, and goals, but many are not backed by tangible actions or appear unlikely to be met.

  • Circular Economy Communication


    Greenshifting involves companies implying that consumers are at fault, shifting the blame onto them.

    This strategy emerges when firms emphasize what consumers can or should do to reduce emissions or positively impact the environment, despite being aware of the significant impact of their products or services.

    Advertising agencies are expected to be more cautious about adopting this approach in the future, as it’s one of the more easily identifiable greenwashing tactics.

  • Circular Economy Communication


    Greenlighting occurs when company communications, including advertisements, highlight particular green aspects of their operations or products, no matter how small, in order to divert attention from environmentally harmful activities conducted elsewhere.

    This practice aims to showcase the company in a positive light by emphasizing only certain aspects, while other less sustainable operations might be overlooked.

    It’s a strategy that can mislead consumers, focusing their attention on environmentally positive initiatives while neglecting less sustainable activities.

  • Circular Economy Communication


    Greencrowding is based on the idea of hiding within a crowd to avoid detection, relying on safety in numbers.

    While some groups may appear as strong advocates for sustainability, the reality can be different.

    Despite large numbers and media commitment, actual actions might be minimal.

    Caution is advised when evaluating such initiatives, checking the real progress against stated objectives.

  • Circular Economy

    Mobility as a service

    Mobility as a service is a business model in which public and private transportation services are offered as one integrated service. In this mobility model, the user does not own the means of transportation but pays for its functionality for a limited period of time.

    MaaS services can include car sharing, bike sharing, e-scooter sharing, and other mobility services.

    In addition, MaaS services offer a number of benefits, including: increased flexibility, increased efficiency, and increased sustainability.

  • Circular Economy

    Biogas Plant

    A biogas plant is a facility that uses anaerobic digestion to produce biogas from organic material.

    Biogas is a renewable fuel that can be used to generate electricity, heat, or vehicle fuel.

    Biogas plants can be built in a variety of sizes, depending on the volume of organic material they need to process empossible in a variety of sectors, including agriculture, the food industry, the beverage industry, and the wastewater treatment industry.