
Alphabetical order

  • Certifications

    UNI EN ISO 14044:2006

    UNI EN ISO 14044:2006 is a standard that provides guidelines for the conduct of life cycle assessment (LCA) of products and services.

    This standard outlines the principles and framework for the implementation of an LCA, including goal setting, inventory analysis, impact assessment and interpretation of results.

    The purpose of this standard is to provide a coherent and transparent methodology for assessing the environmental impact of products and services throughout their life cycle.

  • Certifications

    UNI EN ISO 14040: 2006

    UNI EN ISO 14040:2006 is a European standard that specifies the principles and framework for the conduct of life cycle assessments (LCA) of products and services.

    It provides a systematic and comprehensive approach to assessing the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout its life cycle, from raw material extraction and production to distribution, use and disposal.

    The standard outlines four phases of the LCA process: goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment and interpretation.

  • Certifications

    ReMade in Italy

    Remade In Italy is the voluntary environmental product certification, born in Italy, to indicate the production of Italian products regenerated, repaired or renewed from waste materials or unused products, in order to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.

    Remade in Italy is therefore an example of Circular Economy, which promotes the rethinking of the traditional linear economic model, favoring instead the creation of a system in which reuse and recycling are considered an added value and not a cost.

  • Certifications

    BS 8001

    The BS 8001 standard is the English standard published in 2017 by the British standardization body BSI.

    The BS 8001 standard aims to help organizations and individuals to consider and implement more circular and sustainable practices within their businesses, introducing better ways of working, providing more circular products and services or redesigning their entire business model.


  • Certifications Legislation

    AFNOR XP X30-901

    The AFNOR XP X30-901 standard is the French standard published in 2018 by the AFNOR standardization body and is the only international reference for the implementation of a management system for the circular economy of an organization.

    It was created to be an international reference point for all companies that want to adopt circular solutions within their value chain, production systems or service delivery.

    It also allows organizations to provide a methodology for managing and reporting on one or more projects for the transition to circular economy models.

  • Certifications

    ISO 14040

    ISO 14040 is an international standard that provides guidelines for life cycle assessment (LCA) of products and services.

    The standard describes the principles and requirements for carrying out a life cycle analysis and establishes the procedures for the environmental impact assessment.

    Life Cycle Analysis is a methodology used to assess the environmental impact of a product or service throughout its life cycle, from production to disposal.

    ISO 14040 establishes the following principles for life cycle analysis:

    • Definition of the objective and scope of the analysis;
    • Product or service life cycle analysis, identifying life cycle stages and related environmental information;
    • Environmental impact assessment, identifying environmental impacts and assessing their severity;
    • Interpretation of the results, evaluating the results of the analysis and identifying opportunities for improvement.

    The use of ISO 14040 provides useful information to improve the sustainability of products and services and to promote the adoption of sustainable practices in industry.

  • Circular Economy Certifications


    The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-governmental organization that deals with the certification of sustainably managed forests.

    The FSC aims to promote responsible forest management at a global level, through the definition of standards and criteria for sustainable forest management and the award of certifications to those companies that comply with these standards.

    The FSC certification ensures that forest management is sustainable and responsible, respecting the rights of workers and local communities, protecting biodiversity and preventing deforestation.

    Companies that adopt the FSC certification can use the FSC mark on their products, indicating that they come from sustainably and responsibly managed forests.

    The FSC certification system provides for the adoption of standards for forest management, the traceability of raw materials and the chain of custody of forest products, in order to ensure that the final products are effectively produced in a sustainable way.

  • Certifications Circular Economy

    Environmental Certification

    Environmental certification is a certificate that certifies, through technical and regulatory criteria, a company’s commitment to limiting its negative impact on the environment.

    Examples of certification are the Ecolabel, ISO 14001, EMAS, ISO 50001.

    To obtain these recognitions, companies must apply to an authorised independent body. In Italy, authorisation is given by Accredia, the Italian Accreditation Body.


  • Certifications

    Environmental Label

    The environmental label is a labelling and certification system that is used to identify products that have a reduced environmental impact compared to other similar products on the market.

    The Environmental Label aims to declare the sustainability characteristics of a product or service.

    They are fundamental tools to combat the practice of Green Washing by bodies, organizations and companies, so as to make communication to the final consumer as transparent as possible, so that they can make more sustainable purchasing choices.

    In addition, the environmental label can also motivate companies to produce more sustainable products, as companies that obtain the environmental label can stand out from the competition and gain a reputation for sustainability.

    In Europe, the most well-known environmental labelling system is the EU Ecolabel, which indicates that the product has been produced according to strict environmental standards established by the European Union.

  • Certifications


    The EU Ecolabel is a voluntary eco-label that is subject to certification by an independent organisation and is based on a set of scientifically established selection criteria that consider the environmental implications of goods or services for all their life cycle (competent body).

    The European Union Ecolabel (EU Ecolabel) identifies goods and services that, while maintaining high performance requirements, are distinguished by a lower environmental impact over their entire life cycle.


  • Certifications

    Environmental Product Declaration

    The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a product-related environmental labelling (according to UNI ISO 14025:2006).

    This label makes it possible to communicate objective, comparable and credible information about the environmental performance of products and services assessed according to the LCA analysis methodology.
